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Lookup IPFS Website

Lookup IPFS Website Using ODude Name

Interacting with decentralized websites hosted on IPFS is made easy with the @odude/oduderesolve package. This tutorial will guide you through the process of retrieving IPFS-based website URLs using ODude Name.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed (v14 or later recommended)
  • NPM or Yarn installed
  • A blockchain RPC provider (e.g., Alchemy, Infura, or QuickNode)
  • Environment variables configured (optional but recommended)

Step 1: Install the Required Package

To get started, install @odude/oduderesolve using npm or yarn:

npm install @odude/oduderesolve


yarn add @odude/oduderesolve

Step 2: Set Up Configuration

To interact with ODude Name, you need to provide blockchain RPC URLs and a wallet private key. This can be done via environment variables or directly in the code.

require('dotenv').config(); // Remove this line if no environment variables are used
const ODudeName = require("@odude/oduderesolve");

const settings = {
    matic_rpc_url: process.env.MATIC_RPC,
    eth_rpc_url: process.env.ETH_RPC,
    fvm_rpc_url: process.env.FVM_RPC,
    wallet_pvt_key: process.env.PVT_KEY

const resolve = new ODudeName(settings);

Step 3: Retrieve Website URL from ODude Name

You can fetch the IPFS-based website URL associated with an ODude Name using getWeb().

resolve.getWeb("hello@web3").then(url => {
    console.log("hello@web3 website URL is: ", url);

Example Output:

hello@web3 website URL is:

Another Example:

resolve.getWeb("hello@fil").then(url => {
    console.log("hello@fil website URL is: ", url);

Step 4: Retrieve TokenURI for Web3Domain Name

To get the metadata or details about a Web3 domain, use w3d_tokenURI().

resolve.w3d_tokenURI("hello@web3").then(uri => {
    console.log("hello@web3 TokenURI: ", uri);

Example Output:

hello@web3 TokenURI:

Another Example:

resolve.w3d_tokenURI("hello@fil").then(uri => {
    console.log("hello@fil TokenURI: ", uri);

Step 5: Running the Script

Save the script in a file (e.g., lookup.js) and run it with:

node lookup.js


By using ODude Name, you can seamlessly resolve Web3 domains into IPFS-hosted websites and metadata. This simplifies decentralized web access and enhances blockchain-based interactions.

For more advanced use cases, visit the ODude Name GitHub repository.

Happy coding! 🚀