If a Telegram user modifies their profile description to include a Web3 Domain Name, such as “w3d:jack.demo”, and someone types the “/profile” command followed by the user’s Telegram username (e.g. “/profile @telegram_username”), the @web3_domain_bot will check the Web3 Domain Name mentioned in the description field and retrieve information about it from the blockchain. This can be useful for verifying the authenticity of a user’s profile and ensuring that it is not a spam account.
To use the “/profile” command with the @web3_domain_bot, simply follow these steps:
- Open the Telegram app and go to the channel or group where the @web3_domain_bot has been added.
- In the chat, type the “/profile” command followed by the Telegram username of the user you want to look up. For example, if you want to look up the user “telegram_username”, you would type “/profile @telegram_username”.
- Press send to execute the command. The @web3_domain_bot will check the Web3 Domain Name mentioned in the user’s profile description and retrieve information about it from the blockchain. This information will be displayed in the chat.
By using the “/profile” command in this way, you can easily verify the authenticity of a user’s profile and ensure that it is not a spam account.