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Cryptocurrency Price

3 min read

Crypto Price Display: The plugin provides a real-time display of the latest trading prices for different cryptocurrencies. This feature is designed to provide website visitors with up-to-date information on cryptocurrency prices, making it easy for them to stay informed and make informed trading decisions.

To use this feature, simply activate the crypto price display in the plugin settings and select the cryptocurrencies for which you want to display prices. The plugin will retrieve the latest trading prices from a reliable source and display them on your website in real-time.

The crypto price display feature provides the following benefits:

  1. Real-time information: The plugin displays the latest trading prices for selected cryptocurrencies in real-time, so your visitors always have access to the latest information.
  2. Customizable display: You can choose which cryptocurrencies to display prices for and customize the display to meet your specific needs.
  3. Increased engagement: By providing up-to-date information on cryptocurrency prices, you can increase engagement and attract more visitors to your website.

This article provides an overview of the “Crypto Price Display” feature offered by the “Crypto” WordPress plugin. This feature is designed to provide website visitors with up-to-date information on cryptocurrency prices, making it easy for them to stay informed and make informed trading decisions.

The plugin utilizes the CoinMarketCap API to fetch the latest trading prices for different cryptocurrencies. The administrator of the website can choose the primary currency and configure the settings for the plugin to work optimally.

The first step is to get a free API key from CoinMarketCap. This API key will be used to fetch the latest trading prices of different cryptocurrencies. The administrator can also set the cache time for the crypto data in seconds. This will help to save API limits and speed up the results.

Once the API key is obtained, the administrator can access the plugin settings from the WordPress admin dashboard. They can then select the primary currency, set the cache time, and choose the theme style and color.

The plugin provides several shortcode examples to display the latest trading prices for different cryptocurrencies on the website.
For example,
[crypto-price symbol="BTC"] will display the latest trading price for Bitcoin.


[crypto-price symbol="MATIC,BTC,XRP" style="style1"] will display the latest trading prices for the specified cryptocurrencies in the selected style.



[crypto-price symbol="BTC" style="style1" currency="INR" color="fl-is-warning"] will display the latest trading price for Bitcoin in Indian Rupees with the specified color.



In conclusion, the “Crypto Price Display” feature offered by the “Crypto” WordPress plugin is a valuable tool for website administrators looking to provide their visitors with up-to-date information on cryptocurrency prices. With its easy-to-use shortcodes, customizable settings, and real-time data, this feature is a must-have for any website focused on the cryptocurrency market.